
Plant Care Guide

Plant Care Guide

Plant Care Guide BY ILGM.COM


I – Nutrient deficiencies 

1. General 

2. PH 

3. Boron 

4. Calcium 

5. Coppera 

6. Iron 

7. Magnesium 

8. Manganese 

9. Molybdenum 

10. Nitrogen 

11. Phosphorus 

12. Potassium 

13. Silicon 

14. Sulfur 

15. Zinc 

I – Nutrient deficiencies 

1. General 

2. PH 

3. Boron 

4. Calcium 

5. Coppera 

6. Iron 

7. Magnesium 

8. Manganese 

9. Molybdenum 

10. Nitrogen 

11. Phosphorus 

12. Potassium 

13. Silicon 

14. Sulfur 

15. Zinc 

II – Pests and bugs 

1. General 

2. Ants 

3. Aphids 

4. Birds 

5. Caterpillars 

6. Cats and dogs 

7. Cutworms 

8. Crickets and grasshoppers 

9. Deer 

10. Fungus gnats 

11. Gophers and moles 

12. Leaf miners 

13. Mealy bugs 

14. Rats and mice 

15. Snails and slugs 

16. Spider mites 

17. Thrips 

18. Whiteflies

III – Diseases 


2. Algae 

3. Gray mold, bud rot or botrytis 4. Leaf septoria or yellow leaf spot 5. Powdery mildew 

6. Fusarium 

7. Verticillium wilt 

8. Root rot 

9. Damping off 

IV – Environmental Stresses 


2. Dark cycle interrupted – no flowers 3. Hot or humid marijuana grow room 4. When and how to prune marijuana plants 5. Airy and loose marijuana buds 

6. Marijuana cuttings won’t root 

7. Stretching marijuana plants 

8. Low and high temperature 

9. Can stress cause hermaphrodite plants 10. Marijuana seeds won’t germinate 11. Marijuana plant was knocked down 12. Hard or soft water 

13. Cold, rainy and humid weather 

14. Overwatering and underwatering  15. Marijuana soil problems

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