Payment Method
How to send payment with Zelle® after completing the order process!

Get started by enrolling your email or U.S. mobile number through your mobile banking app or with the Zelle® app.

Enter our payment email address!
If using Zelle from the banking app (
If using Zelle via the Zelle App

& add your order # to the comment section of the Zelle payment!

Debit Card/ Paypal payments
Frosty Gardens offers Debit Card/ Paypal payments via Facebooks Marketplace. Simply complete your order via our website. Choose direct payment or Zelle as a payment method. You will get an order confirmation and order #. From there simply message us  here  with your order number. You can complete the payment manually from messenger/marketplace or wait for us to send a request. Most payment requests are sent within an hour of submitting order #.
You can also message us on our Facebook page using the chat plugin.

Crypto Manual Payments
Choose direct payment as payment option. Complete website order then send Crypto payment to 1 of the addresses below. We currently accept BTC, ETH, VET, LTC, MATIC.
- BTC Address 1NKEgrpF6QyJm88SoHsozJGQX47jq5cC1V
- ETH Address 0x65b9002c0c0249a23168560f69922a3af4714df6
- LTC Address LPErNzbHFqK7kvkfz5rUY4csjCecQaBvMM
- VET Address 0x65b9002c0c0249a23168560f69922a3af4714df6
- Matic Address 0x65b9002c0c0249a23168560f69922a3af4714df6